Saturday, 1 November 2008

A hedgehog was crossing
the road one day,

When a car turned the corner
and headed his way.
“Oh dear” said a Cow
lifting her head,
“Quite soon yon hedgehog
is going to be dead."

“No fear” said the hedgehog
rolling into a ball,

so tightly curled tiny and small,
caught by the draft
of the car as it passed,
to uncurl on the
opposite side at last.

“That’s the way to travel”
laughed a snail on a leaf,
if I could move as fast
I’d never come to grief.
“Ha Ha” said another,
with a mouthful of clover,
“don’t speak so bold
the day’s not yet over.”

Just as he spoke,
a blackbird swo
oped low
gobbling him up
all in one go.

A delightful meal,
for a blackbird some meat,

Whilst the other snail
beat a hasty retreat.

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